Saturday, May 12, 2012

Beyond Great

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." -1 Corinthians 1:25

You don't normally think of God as foolish or weak, that's why this verse popped out at me. Even at God's worst, which I don't think really exists, he is infinitely stronger and wiser than us. The bigness of God is beyond me. This last year I took Calculus I and II, to be honest, it was a tough course, and the hardest parts dealt with infinity. It was mind blowing the rules and things that went with infinity. My brain would hurt after class and homework. But really... The mathematical concept of infinity is nothing compared to God's unending strength, love, wisdom and grace.

Also, I took a class called 'Christian Life and Thought' last semester. It was sort of a slightly more in-depth than a Sunday school class overview of the Bible. At one point we talked about God's foreknowledge and the problem of evil. We concluded that God knew every single world he could have created (there are infinite possibilities) and since he is beyond wise, he knows the best way to achieve the best possible world. Since he wants what is best, and knows what is best, our world must be apart of the best possible way to reach the best possible world.
I find that amazing, and so comforting. As a writer I like to imagine other possible worlds, both better and worse than ours. But God, he knows them all, and he has a plan that will end with the most perfect world of all. Something I can't even conceive.

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