Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not Alone

"Resist [the devil], standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." -1 Peter 5:9

We all struggle. We all fail. We all suffer. One of the many lies that I've seen, and experienced, is that when you're deeply struggling with something, that you are alone in it. I tend to think that I'm the only one with my particular problem so I dig in and try to fight it out alone. But, I've discovered that there are often people around me who have been through the same thing, or are even going through the same thing. What a relief. Let that comfort you. You're not the only one; I'm not the only one. God can work through the people around me to encourage and strengthen me. I've been built up and helped along by dear friends who understand what I'm going through. Don't listen to the Devil's lie that you're alone. Turn to God, and then his people, for strength, love and grace.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Three more awesome posts, Ericka. Thanks for these. They're very encouraging. I too struggle with wanting to fight more or less on my own...thinking my struggles are unique to me, and thinking I'm the only one who falls for them in an unconscious way. But like you said, that's just not true. And it really IS so encouraging to lean on the body of Christ like we're supposed to...to know that God has everything under control.

    Again. Thanks. :)


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